Todd Turner Solutions

Helping Ministries Grow and Go since 1996

Fund your God Sized missions and ministries by utilizing the power of the internet. Connect with givers using simple, proven methods of utilizing your website, email, and social media and connecting with passionate Christians around the globe.

Non Profit Christian organizations

Many small or mid sized Christian need assistance managing their online efforts. Most are running their online campaigns out of order and thus not realizing the potential for gaining true support from believers online. See how your organization can benefit from solid online strategies.

Online Digital Fundraising Solutions

Christian Churches

Many churches base their budgets on loose forecasts and cut missions and ministry needlessly… all because they put minimal effort into the “giving moments.” Learn how your church can fund their God sized ministries.

Online Church Fundraising


Online Fundraising Solutions.

Bring in the resources needed to improve website visitor interaction on your website.

Online Fundraising Courses

learn at your own pace and collaborate with your organization’s team members using our simple, easy-to-use online, on demand course created to help move the needle on your online fundraising.

Great for Teams and Organizations