by Todd Turner


As pastors, we understand the immense joy that comes from leading a congregation of faithful and devoted followers. However, one challenge that many of us face is witnessing a portion of our flock not actively participating in the act of giving. While there are undoubtedly faithful and sacrificial givers within our pews, there are also those who haven’t fully embraced the joy of giving back to the ministry. In this podcast, we’ll explore actionable strategies to encourage a culture of joyful giving within our churches, fostering a sense of community and a stronger ministry.

1. Acknowledge the Reality
First and foremost, it’s essential to recognize that not all members of our congregation give regularly or at all. This acknowledgment helps us approach the issue with empathy and understanding. Instead of becoming disheartened, we can focus on guiding our congregation towards a more rewarding and fulfilling giving experience.

2. Preach Joyful Giving
Incorporate messages of joyful giving into our sermons and teachings. Share stories and testimonies from individuals who have experienced the blessings that come with giving generously. Emphasize that giving is not solely about fulfilling a financial obligation but an opportunity to experience joy through contributing to God’s work.

3. Offer Financial Education
Consider organizing workshops or small groups that focus on financial stewardship. Many people might not give due to financial struggles or lack of budgeting skills. By providing practical advice on budgeting, saving, and responsible giving, we empower our congregation to overcome financial barriers and experience the joy of contributing.

4. Lead by Example
As pastors, we must lead by example. Show genuine joy and enthusiasm in our own giving. Share personal stories of how giving has enriched our lives and ministry. When our congregation witnesses our authentic passion for giving, it can inspire them to follow suit.

5. Provide Alternative Giving Options
Not everyone is comfortable giving during traditional church services. Consider offering alternative ways to give, such as online platforms, mobile apps, or text-to-give options. These digital avenues make giving more convenient and accessible for tech-savvy members of our congregation.

6. Celebrate Generosity
Recognize and celebrate the contributions, big or small, made by members of our congregation. Express gratitude and acknowledge their generosity during church services or through personal notes. When people feel appreciated for their giving, they are more likely to continue supporting the ministry.

7. Connect Giving to Impact
Illustrate how each contribution directly impacts the ministry’s growth and outreach efforts. Share specific examples of how funds have been utilized to make a difference in the lives of individuals and communities. When people see the tangible results of their giving, they are motivated to continue supporting the church’s mission.

Dear fellow pastors, let us be encouraged and hopeful in our pursuit of cultivating a culture of joyful giving within our churches. Though some members may not currently engage in giving, we have the opportunity to lead them towards a path of spiritual growth, transformation, and the profound joy that comes with contributing to God’s work. By preaching joy, offering education, and leading by example, we can nurture a generous and enthusiastic congregation that eagerly embraces the joy of giving, supporting a more impactful and thriving ministry. Together, let us embark on this journey of transformation, knowing that every step taken towards joyful giving brings us closer to a stronger, more vibrant church community.

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