In the realm of Christian communities, certain topics are shrouded in silence, veiled under layers of discomfort and restraint. One such topic, often considered taboo and rarely addressed, is intimacy and sexuality for single Christians, especially those who have experienced the complex journey of divorce. While the teachings emphasize abstinence and purity, real-life experiences and needs can challenge these ideals. In this brave exploration, we dive deep into the topic that many tiptoe around – sex and the single Christian post-divorce.

Breaking the Silence

In a world where conversations about sex are often reserved for hushed whispers or confined to the confines of marital sanctity, the UnYoked Podcast takes a bold step forward. We open the closet, shed light on the intimate realities of single Christians, and provide a safe space to discuss the often-unspoken challenges and desires. This is not a sermon or a dogmatic discourse. It’s a candid, open conversation that ventures where few have dared to tread.

The Unspoken Struggles

The journey of life after divorce can be a winding road filled with unexpected emotions and desires. Questions arise: How does one reconcile their faith with their longing for intimacy? Is it possible to address these needs while upholding Christian values? Our podcast episode is not here to impose judgments but to provide insights, guidance, and support for those navigating the complex terrain of post-divorce intimacy.

An Honest Conversation

Put on your headphones, embark on a contemplative walk, and tune in. Let’s talk about what many shy away from in the pews of our churches. It’s an opportunity to break the silence, to confront the stigma, and to navigate this intricate aspect of life. We tackle the “don’ts” and “shouldn’ts” and delve into the practical realities and complexities that single Christians face. Buckle up for a candid and crucial dialogue because it’s high time we addressed the topic that’s often been pushed aside.

Join us in this pivotal episode as we explore the uncharted waters of intimacy, faith, and self-discovery post-divorce. It’s not about judgment, but understanding, support, and empowerment as we navigate this challenging path together.

Sex Resources for Single Christians


The Center for Faith, Sexuality & Gender is led by Dr. Preston Sprinkle (Ph.D. Aberdeen University). Preston is a theologian, an international speaker, and a New York Times bestselling author who has written numerous books . Preston has given talks to thousands of people on the topic of faith, sexuality, and gender. He and his wife, Chris, and their four children live in Boise, Idaho.

“Discover the truth about JESUS, SEX & GENDER”

This video-based, comprehensive discipleship experience will help youth leaders, teachers, mentors, parents, youth and young adults engage in one of the most important conversations of our age.

David Prowlison

Our world constantly tells us to “do what feels good”, especially when it comes to issues related to sexuality. Sadly, this mind-set always leads to guilt, pain, and heartache. And yet, in the gospel, there is good news for the sexually broken.

Pointing listeners to the grace of Jesus Christ, longtime counselor and teacher David Powlison offers hope for both the sexually immoral and the sexually victimized: all brokenness will one day be transformed. This book casts a vision for restoration that is better than what the world offers – not just fresh resolve, not just flimsy forgiveness, but true, lasting mercy from God, who is making all things new.

Amazon : Making All Things New

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